Wednesday, February 03, 2010

2nd Year?

Was clearing out some space in one of my closets, found this collecting dust. Ohh the memories... back in the day when you painted with paint, how long ago it was.
[line art by Michael Hitchcox]


Tapan Gandhi said...

wow. i'm digging this, but i'm more impressed that you found it in your closet!

p.s. amazing website

.Brandon.Gilbert. said...

Why thank you kind sir.

p.s. how's that six pack commin along

Andrea Fernandez said...

hahahahah hey does bring back memories :) *sniff sniff Sheridan.

Trevor Spencer said...

sweet sassy molassy! oh man...we were sooo young and ready to learn.

good ol sheridizzle i guess

Yuriy Sivers said...

ummm making us cry here...